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Huawei HiSilicon E-link 400ZR Coherent QSFP-DD (LNK-OM876AXX100)


The LNK-OM876AXX100 coherent module, compliant with the OIF 400ZR MSA and QSFP-DD MSA
standards, is designed for DCI applications. The digital diagnostics function is available via an I2C
interface, as specified by the QSFP-DD MSA.
The LNK-OM876AXX100is a C-band 75G/100 GHz grid coherent optical module that combines coherent
DSP ASIC functionality with best in class ultra-narrow line-width tunable lasers, high speed modulators
and high responsively coherent receivers to deliver high performance at 400G 16QAM modulation
formats (at 60G baud rate).
Mechanical dimensions, connectors and footprint of LNK-OM876AXX100 conform to QSFP-DD MSA.
The module is QSFP-DD type2 size (18.4 mm x 93.4 mm x 8.5 mm) and hot pluggable by a 76-pin
connector. The maximum power consumption is 16.5 W and power supply voltage is +3.3 V.
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